With a few minutes this morning before meeting with the World Neighbors staff members, I'll share initial experiences and thoughts. It is an obvious point but each time I travel, I am reminded that going on a Journey is learning about a continent, a region and a people whose stories and lives were remote until now. Traveling to Nairobi itself was spectacular as we had a clear view of the Swiss Alps, Italian countryside, the Mediterranean Sea, and the Sahara. The Sahara appears to go on and on forever. From the plane I could pick out long wind blown dunes and depressions.
We arrive in Kenya during the week of a vote on a referendum to approve a new constitution. It is exciting to be part of the build up as the Yes and the No sides each are holding rallies and everyone is talking about it. The new constitution will provide for expanded civil rights, an increase in the balance of power among the legislative, executive and judicial branches of government. Kenya now has a strong executive system. With the new constitution, the members of Parliament will have greater say in matters. There are many more changes that are too

We enjoyed a city tour yesterday, a visit to the National Museum and exploring the local handcrafts and folk art.
- Steve Schomberg, World Neighbors Board of Trustee Chair
Wish I was there.